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Grammar schools list

showing information for

Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School

Here you can read about the school's admission process, exam formats, follow a link to school website and view suggested 11+ Practice Books.

About the School

Since 1881 a Langton education has been built on the pillars of academic excellence, ambition, independence and resilience. Simon Langton Girls’ is an education growing from the tradition of what came before, but always looking towards the excitement of what lies ahead. Students are supported to become critical thinkers, be open to the ideas of others and to challenge assumptions. Through both the taught and extended curriculums, innovative teaching and active pastoral care, all students learn how to act with intelligence, creativity and moral integrity.

Simon Langton Girls’ students benefit from exceptional levels of help, support and guidance. Staff teach them to assume responsibility and to value ambition, innovation and tolerance. The young women and men develop a passionate commitment to the proud traditions of their school, to their communities and to the wider world. Simon Langton Girls’ expects all students to work in professions where they will need to make decisions, influencing the lives of others and building a better future. In short, they are the leaders of today and tomorrow.

The ethos of the school is encapsulated by the values that underpin all they do: the Langton Values.

Year 7 11+ Exam Content

Kent 11 Plus Test

How to prepare for the 11+ in 

Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School

Parents will often search for 11+ books relevant to the Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School so that they can help their child prepare  for the 11 plus test.

Practice in all aspects of 11+ Verbal Reasoning and 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning is essential. Developing 11+ English and 11+ maths skills will give your child an advantage when sitting the actual 11+ exam.

Our 11+ Exam Book Shop will offer lots of suitable practice material.



School Type:-

Girls' Grammar

Total Pupils:-



Year 7 Places:-

Year 7 Admission details:-

At least 3 applicants for every place in Y7.

Exam Format

The 11+ exam is based on the Procedure For Entry To Secondary Education (PESE) & The Kent Test (11+) and contains questions on 11+ Maths, 11+ English and 11+ Reasoning. Kent 11 Plus Test 


Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School, Old Dover Road, Canterbury CT1 3EW

School website:-

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