Grammar schools list
showing information for
The Spires College
Here you can read about the school's admission process, exam formats, follow a link to school website and view suggested 11+ Practice Books.
About the School
The aim at The Spires College is simple: to make certain that every young person achieves their true potential. The school ethos centres upon a love of learning and upon developing every member of the College community as an independent learner, who knows how to learn and is helped to develop the resilience and determination to tackle all the challenges that they will meet – at College and beyond. In this way, students become successful and fulfilled life-long learners.
The Spires College prioritises the professional development of its teachers so that their knowledge is current; their skills are honed, refreshed and invigorated. The Spires College want their teachers to enthuse and inspire others; to explore new ideas and opportunities for, and with, the children.
The Spires College students are involved in every aspect of College life beyond the classroom: extra-curricular clubs and trips are always available but all students also take an active role in shaping the future of the College through a wide range of student leadership activities. The Spires College students leave the College as rounded, confident, independent young adults, ready to take up their places in society and equipped with the means to seize their futures.
The website gives you a flavour of what The Spires College has to offer but parents are welcome to contact the school for more details.
Year 7 11+ Exam Content
CEM version 11+ with 11+ questions in Verbal Reasoning (including comprehension), Non-Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning (Maths). The school also set their own English and Maths papers.
How to prepare for the 11+ in
The Spires College
Parents will often search for 11+ books relevant to The Spires College so that they can help their child prepare for the 11 plus test.
Practice in all aspects of 11+ Verbal Reasoning and 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning is essential. Developing 11+ English and 11+ maths skills will give your child an advantage when sitting the actual 11+ exam.
Our 11+ Exam Book Shop will offer lots of suitable practice material.
School Type:-
Mixed school (partly selective entry) 50% of places based on pupil ability.
Total Pupils:-
135 (11+ places)
Year 7 Places:-
Year 7 Admission details:-
Often 3-4 applicants for every place.
Exam Format
CEM version 11+ and school set English and maths papers.
The Spires College, Westlands Lane, Torquay TQ1 3PE
School website:-
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