Grammar schools list
showing information for
Urmston Grammar Academy
Here you can read about the school's admission process, exam formats, follow a link to school website and view suggested 11+ Practice Books.
About the School
Urmston Grammar is a selective school and an independent academy. The Governors and Urmston Grammar's SLT lead a highly successful 11-18 co-educational grammar school with an outstanding national and local reputation for academic excellence in a caring community.
The school attracts and retains exceptional staff who possess a wealth of experience, knowledge and expertise. As caring professionals, their commitment to the welfare and pastoral care of students is aimed at allowing each of the students to flourish.
The school grounds are secure and self contained, with mature trees complementing buildings that reflect both the tradition associated with grammar school education and the vision for the future.
Urmston Grammar Academy students enjoy working in a respectful and mutually supportive atmosphere where self discipline is fundamental to their enjoyment of learning. Staff offer them a safe and secure environment with access to the very latest facilities.
The quality of student performance means that examination results have regularly enabled Urmston Grammar Academy to feature in the lists of most successful schools. Their position in the Times Top 500 Schools means that the school is regularly in the top schools nationally.
Urmston Grammar Academy ise proud that Trafford LA regularly appears at the top of the national league tables at GCSE level and at Advanced level.
Urmston Grammar Academy students have an outstanding reputation in the community for their contributions to both caring in the community and for their extensive work supporting local, national and international charities.
OfSTED described the school as "Outstanding" in the November 2008 inspection, and Urmston Grammar Academy was also identified as one of the government's "High Performing Specialist Colleges". Their historic Science College and Language College status led to their development as one of the first converter academies in the country, in September 2010.
The principal aim of Urmston Grammar Academy is to develop the full potential of each student academically, artistically, emotionally, morally, physically and socially so that they are able to take their place in society as mature, discerning and caring adults.
The school seeks to provide extensive opportunities and enrichment for the achievement of individual excellence; to prepare students for living in a complex, technological world; to help students to adapt to the demands of Higher Education and work; to encourage students in the belief that self-discipline is the best form of discipline; to develop a student's self-respect and concern for others in the community.
Year 7 11+ Exam Content
CEM 11 Plus Exam with questions on Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Maths.
11+ Exam Book Shop will offer lots of supplementary practice material.
How to prepare for the 11+ in
Urmston Grammar Academy
How you revise for the Urmston Grammar Academy 11+ exam is just as important how much your revise and when you start to prepare. Completing as many varied 11+ practice tests in all the related subjects will be a great advantage for your child when they sit the actual 11+ exam. You can find suitable 11+ practice book here
Greater Manchester
School Type:-
Mixed Grammar
Total Pupils:-
Year 7 Places:-
Year 7 Admission details:-
There may be more than 6+ applicants for every place.
Exam Format
CEM 11 Plus Exam with questions on Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Maths.
Urmston Grammar School, Newton Road, Urmston, Manchester M41 5UG
School website:-
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