Grammar schools list
showing information for
Wilsons Grammar School
Here you can read about the school's admission process, exam formats, follow a link to school website and view suggested 11+ Practice Books.
About the School
Wilson's School is a boys' grammar school with academy status in the London Borough of Sutton, England. In 2019, The Telegraph ranked Wilson's the 4th highest performing school nationally for GCSE results. It was also ranked London State Secondary School of the Decade by The Times in 2020.
The school Motto Non sibi sed omnibus translates to Not for oneself but for all
Wilson’s Grammar School was Established in over 400 years ago in 1615. It was founded by Edward Wilson.
The school educates approximately 1,250 pupils, with entry by academic selection based on performance in a two-stage process. Students successful in the Selective Eligibility Test are then invited to sit the Second-Stage Entrance Examination for Wilson's School. 180 boys are expected to be admitted per year.
It was founded as Wilson's Grammar School in Camberwell in 1615, making it one of the country's oldest state schools. Wilson's moved to its present location on part of the site of the former Croydon Airport in 1975. It became voluntary aided in 1997 and an Academy in June 2011.
Wilson’s Grammar School's Academic performance
GCSE and A level results place Wilson's School among the highest performing schools in the United Kingdom.
In November 2018 The Times' School Guide declared Wilson's the "State Secondary School of the Year". In 2017, The Times listed Wilson's School as the highest performing 11-18 state school in the country for A-Level, as well as being the number 1 all boys' (state or private) school - the best set of results in the school's history.
The school's last Ofsted report (undertaken before the school converted to an academy) rated the school as Grade 1 (outstanding) in all 38 of the target areas.
The report begins:
"Wilson's is an outstanding school that deserves its high reputation. This is how the school sees itself, a view shared by the vast majority of the large number of parents who responded to the inspection questionnaire. One parent summed up the school well by noting of their son, 'Wilson's has helped him realise his potential and given him a lifelong love for learning.'"
Year 7 11+ Exam Content
Two stage process:- Stage 1 Maths and english questions. (possibly commercial tests)
Stage 2 Maths and english questions that are school written.
How to prepare for the 11+ in
Wilsons Grammar School
Parents will often search for 11+ books relevant to Wilson's Grammar School so that they can help their child prepare for the 11 plus test.
Practice in all aspects of 11+ Verbal Reasoning and 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning is essential. Developing 11+ English and 11+ maths skills will give your child an advantage when sitting the actual 11+ exam.
Our 11+ Exam Book Shop will offer lots of suitable practice material.
London - Sutton
School Type:-
Boys’ Grammar
Total Pupils:-
Year 7 Places:-
Year 7 Admission details:-
This is a much sought after school and there may be 9+ applicants fro every place.
Exam Format
Two stage process:- possibly commercial tests followed by school based tests.
Wilson’s Grammar School, Mollison Drive, Wallington SM6 9JW
School website:-
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