CEM 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning Test 5
PDF for CEM 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning Test No5 of 5 tests.
Non-Verbal Reasoning Practice E-Papers straight to your computer - this material provides practice for children taking the elevenplus in areas which use Non-Verbal Reasoning as part of the Elevenplus exam.
Each test contains 60 unique questions not contained in our books. 5 sections of 12 similar questions. These tests will provide good practice in Non-Verbal Reasoning since a variety of different question are tested.
A time of 25 minutes is suggested for each Verbal Reasoning Test.
The tests can be completed in the standard way, by writing the answer on the test paper or some parents may wish their children to complete these tests using our large format multiple choice answer sheets which is attached to your download.
This large format can be used to introduce children to the skills required to complete a multiple choice answer sheet.
**These tests may vary depending on the Local Education Authority or school.**
Download link sent when order confirmed.
• Ideal for London 11+ consortium school tests
• Download this Non-Verbal Reasoning test now.
• Test 5 of 5 tests.
• 60 unique questions not contained in our books. (Answers included.)
• Can be completed in standard or multiple choice format.
• Suitable practice for the CEM exam.
• Available when you need extra practice in a hurry.