CEM 11+ Verbal Reasoning test 1
This CEM 11+ practice paper is a PDF download. After your order is confirmed you will be sent a secure link allowing you to download and print the test paper.
This test contains 60 suitable CEM 11+ type practice questions. These tests will provide suitable practice for those children taking their 11+ exam. The questions reflect CEM questions that have been found in previous CEM papers.
A time of 20 minutes is suggested for each Verbal Reasoning Test. The answer sheet is written in such a way as to make it easy for parents to spot question types that their child is finding more difficult.
The tests are completed in the standard way, by writing the answer on the test paper or choosing the correct answer from a selection of possible answers.
The CEM 11+ papers are written by Durham University and the University do not produce practice tests. We cannot guarantee that the 11+ exam that your child takes will have the same layout or contain the exact same questions to the practice questions that are contained in this test.
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• 60 questions based on CEM 11+ Verbal Reasoning exam.
• Improve your child's confidence before their 11+.
• Accessible when you need extra practice in a hurry.
• Standard format. Test 1 of 6 tests.
• Download this CEM 11+ Verbal Reasoning test now.