Grammar schools list
showing information for
The Harvey Grammar School
Here you can read about the school's admission process, exam formats, follow a link to school website and view suggested 11+ Practice Books.
About the School
The Harvey Grammar School is a selective 11–18 boys’ grammar school with a distinguished history dating back to 1674. The school has a potent mix of bright, well-motivated pupils and highly qualified, experienced staff.
With a proven track record of helping pupils develop into well-rounded individuals with excellent academic records, the Harvey is committed to developing both academic potential and personal growth. Outside of the regular school day, the School offers a range of extra-curricular activities.
The school ethos is one of encouraging all pupils men to work hard, play hard and to be supportive of fellow pupils. Every pupil is given the support to identify and develop his particular talents, whether they be in the academic, sporting, creative or other fields.
The Harvey is committed to its founding principles, being to serve the brightest boys in Shepway regardless of their social background. Harvey Grammar School's ultimate aim is that all boys enjoy their time at the Harvey, are instilled with strong community values and develop into self-assured, articulate and helpful young men, being ready and equipped to go on to the next stage of their careers.
Year 7 11+ Exam Content
Kent 11 Plus Test
How to prepare for the 11+ in
The Harvey Grammar School
Parents will often search for 11+ books relevant to the The Harvey Grammar School so that they can help their child prepare for the 11 plus test.
Practice in all aspects of 11+ Verbal Reasoning and 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning is essential. Developing 11+ English and 11+ maths skills will give your child an advantage when sitting the actual 11+ exam.
Our 11+ Exam Book Shop will offer lots of suitable practice material.
School Type:-
Boys' Grammar
Total Pupils:-
Year 7 Places:-
Year 7 Admission details:-
At least 2-3 applicants for every place in Y7.
Exam Format
The 11+ exam is based on the Procedure For Entry To Secondary Education (PESE) & The Kent Test (11+) and contains questions on 11+ Maths, 11+ English and 11+ Reasoning. Kent 11 Plus Test
The Harvey Grammar School, Cheriton Road, Folkestone CT19 5JY
School website:-
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