Liverpool and Wirral 11+ Exam
An overview Liverpool and Wirral 11+ Exam
There are eight selective schools in the Liverpool and Wirral region. 4 schools have their admissions administered by Wirral Local Authority the others have their own arrangements. Three of the schools only select a small percentage of pupils based on music or general academic ability.
Parents of children wishing for their child to sit the 11+ for Wirral schools must complete an entrance form available the Wirral Council website. For the other schools parents should contact the school for advice.

Test Content
The test for the 4 Wirral schools consists of two Verbal Reasoning papers with a large selection of question types. Other schools use English, Mathematics and Verbal Reasoning or some combination of these three test types.
The Grammar Schools
Calday Grange Grammar School (Boys)
West Kirby Grammar School (Girls)
Wirral Grammar School for Boys
Wirral Grammar School for Girls
St Anselm's College (Boys)
Upton Hall School (Girls)
The Blue Coat School
King David High School
St Margaret's C of E Academy
Useful Contacts
Wirral Council
Cheshire Lines Building
Canning Street
CH41 1ND
** This information is provided for guidance only and while the content is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate we cannot be held in any way responsible for any errors or omissions that it may contain. Please contact your LA or chosen grammar school for all admission and elevenplus exam queries.**