11+ Verbal Reasoning
Type 8 – Move a letter to make 2 new words
These 11+ Verbal Reasoning Books will help to improve your child's standards in a wide variety of Verbal Reasoning questions.
In this question type you must move one letter from the left-hand word and place it somewhere in the right-hand word. When you do this you must have created two new words.
Look at this example and then we can work our way through the question until we get the answer: -
Move one letter from the first word and place it in the second word to give two new words. The letter that you move must come from the first word on the left. You cannot change the order of the letters in either word and the new words must make sense and be spelt correctly. Write the letter that you move in the bracket and also write both new words.
(bread & root) Move the letter (___) to give (________) and (________)
(For ease of learning we have marked the important parts of this explanation in RED.) Start by removing the first letter of the left hand word.
r e a d
We now have a new word – read. Next we need to place the letter “b” into the word “root” to create a new word.
b root No word has been made.
r b oot No word has been made.
ro b ot We have new word “robot.”
roo b t No word has been made.
So our answer will look like this:-
(bread & root) Move the letter ( b ) to give ( read ) and ( robot )
We could also move the “r.”
b e a d
We now have a new word – bead. Next we need to place the letter “r” into the word “root” to create a new word.
r root No word has been made.
r r oot No word has been made.
ro r ot No word has been made.
roo r t No word has been made.
It is important to create two new words.
Make sure that you always move the letter from the left hand word and not the right hand word.
Make sure that you only move one letter.
Make sure that you do not change the order of any of the letters in either word.
Make sure that you work systemically, taking each letter from the first word in turn and placing it systemically into the second word.
Sometimes you will be able to see the answer very quickly.
Avoid guessing the answer.
NB When you are completing a Verbal Reasoning test in Multiple-Choice format the correct answer will always be one of the choices that you are given on your answer sheet. If your answer does not match one of the answers that you are given then your answer is wrong.